Its that time of year again when seville oranges are in season and we all rush out to buy them. But its my first time making marmalade and I was quite excited and also a bit nervous - would it all work out ok?
The worst bit of the whole process was chopping up the skins into tiny pieces, it was fiddly and time consuming, so my mind started to wander onto my next knitting project - hmm, socks. Daydreaming over, the next step was to soak them overnight in juice and water to soften the peel.
After adding a lot of sugar- 2kgs to 1kg of fruit and some lemon juice (sevilles are very bitter) it was all simmered for 2 hours, then boiled for 30 mins and finally poured into sterile jars. And did it work out ok?
It made 10 jars in total! That's more than enough for two of us (the youngest member of the family looks at it like its poison!). I might have to share it with our neighbours who chicken-sit on occasions. It tastes great too, but it is still slightly bitter like Ye olde English marmalade, but thats how we like it. I would definitely make it again and all I need to do now is make some bread to go with it.
The recipe came from Preserves by Pam Corbin.