It's been a while since my last post but I have been busy finishing this.....
What do you think? My very first crocheted blanket, I'm so proud of it, I even put it in the garden for some "arty" shots.
I have also been busy with the garden, the veg patch is coming along nicely. It looks a lot neater than in my earlier posts.
The potatoes I planted a few weeks ago are poking through the ground now
and the broad beans are growing rapidly, must be something to do with all that chicken manure that I've got plenty of.
The twiggy shrub from an earlier post is filling out now, but the photos don't do it justice. It's tiered and each tier is covered with white flower buds just ready to explode into life.
The weather has been fantastic here lately, hope it has been where you are and you have been out in the garden enjoying the sunshine like these three.
Hope you had a lovely peaceful Easter, see you soon.