best, and a pot of coffee.
To make it more comfy, a homemade cushion (which I made last weekend) was thrown in as well.
Because we live in the country there was no background noise so the birdsong was deafening. So much noise from such small birds. It's such a beautiful and uplifting experience we look forward to it every year. My friendly Robin put in an appearance begging for food. He's getting tamer every day. Yesterday I was sitting on the lawn cuddling the guinea pig and he flew down and sat on my shoe for 5 mins, I hardly dared move I didn't want to frighten him off. Today he hopped along my leg to take food from my hand, and if I'm not quick enough getting his food he comes in the kitchen door to look for me.
And after an hour of listening to the birds comes my husbands favourite part- the bacon sandwiches.
It's at this point that Little T usually puts in an appearance. Hope you feel inspired to try it one day.